FORMATH Research Group Web Page

Global Forest Products Marketing
and Forest Certification in A Green Economy

     At the United Nations Rio+20 Conference in June 2012, green economy* was considered as one of the important tools for achieving sustainable development. Because forests form a foundation of a green economy, forest sector can play a key role to shift the trend. Forest certification is recognized as a promising development for greening the forest sector. This symposium focuses on providing a synthesis of scientific research on forest products marketing and forest certification worldwide to discuss strategies and challenges of the forest sector in a green economy.

*an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities (UNEP, 2011)



*環境へのリスクと生態学的な稀少性を大幅に減少させつつ、人々の厚生と社会的公正を改善する経済(UNEP, 2011)